Tuesday 18 June 2013

About A Book

My Book Arrived !

Yesterday my photo book arrived !, i ordered my book off blurb due to a recommendation. My book is a 18x18 cm soft cover, with a premium paper lustre finish the minimum amount of pages is 20, so i had to edit a few more photographs before i could fill my book. When it arrived it was very well packaged and only took about 4 days to get here (i think), it cost me £15.69 all together which i thought was very good for the quality of the book. Some of my photographs where quite dark on screen but light enough to make out what the picture was, but when printed in my book they are a little too dark, so if i was to make another book and the photographs are dark i will lighten them up for printing. Apart from that i love my book ! and i would defiantly recommend Blurb to anyone. These photo's of the book where taken on my phone so excuse the terrible quality

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