Wednesday 8 January 2014

winter photoshoot...

Hello everyone, for the last few weeks I've been planning my winter fairy tale, as you may have seen. I did the shoot this weekend but unfortunately the weather was horrendous so i had to do the shoot indoors, which was a shame as i had planned a lot. So for the time being these are the photographs for the shoot, but i may re-do it at a later date when/if the weather perks up slightly. The beautiful cakes where made by the model, the link to her page is here: and mine is: 
I know that these aren't my best series i've done, especially as i haven't done anything in a while (lesson learnt,don't do too much after not doing anything for a month or so).so i'm going to shoot something/someone every week and hopefully have a blog up every week. I do have a few more i want to edit and play around with, i will update this post when they're done.

My favorite ^^

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