Wednesday 22 January 2014

Creative creations

Helloo, everybody :) 

Recently I've been trying to be more simple, with my photo's which I'm finding harder than being creative !, I'm a creative person and once an idea starts it can spiral. Due to being busy in work I've struggled to find photo graphical things ! i know there is plenty around me, but i don't like plain things !, I'm not really a landscape person, I've never taken a photograph of a landscape I've been proud of, i don't know what it is, it's just not my thing. 

So i though how about self portraits, it can't be to hard ... well i was wrong, so wrong ! it's actually harder to take a self portrait than photograph anything else, (well i think so anyway). So i did a few, but i didn't like them as they where, so like a few other photographs I've tried editing them to make it look like its a multiple exposure, and i love the effect it gives, i prefer these in black and white. 

Whilst i was in creative mode, i also wanted to do a few different things with people doing unusual things, so i put my brother in a tea cup. To my surprise it worked out well, which is always a great feeling !.

My brother in a tea  cup woo ! so so pleased with this.

This last image is one i made in photoshop,following a tutorial in digital photo magazine and I'm very pleased with it, I've always wanted to be able to do something like this !.