Monday, 19 August 2013

Body Portraits

Whilst browsing my favorite place for inspiration, pinterest i came across multiple images of just hands, ears, legs etc, in black and white. I really liked this idea of having a portrait but no actual form of identity, so whilst saving for a few little bits of war militaria i need for a shoot I'm planning i decided I'd so this black and white body portraits shoot, thinking it would be simple do to. I was wrong !, taking a photograph of just one part of a person is trickier than it actually looks getting the composition just right was a challenge. In college i was always told to think of simple idea's (something i find difficult), so this is why I'm a little confused as to why i can take more complicated pictures and be so much more pleased with them, than taking a 'simple' picture of just one thing with nothing going on around it or little emotion shown and not enjoy it or love it as much as i would my other work. 

I'm really not pleased with these photographs, but i guess it's just trial and error, I'm going to put a few on here so you can see, but these aren't my best photographs, or the ones i love the most, i will keep taking the same style pictures and update this post, but as of yet I'm not thrilled with the set.

I will also  post a new blog of my plans for my next shoot, which i cannot wait to do ! it's not a pretty girly one with floaty dresses and sparkle, it's far from it, a plan will appear soon :) 

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