Monday 21 July 2014

365 Days Project Week 8

This week i decided to do a week based on food, next week i think is going to be another random one, whilst i think of more interesting themes to come up with. My butterfly shoot is going to be at the beginning of august which I'm excited about, and to make the dress extra special, i will (hopefully) be sewing LED battery powered lights onto the bottom of the dress.

                                Bite. 14th July 2014 (50)

                                Bright. 15th July 2014. (51)

                                Pasta. 16th July 2014 (52)

                                Beige. 17th July 2014 (53)

                                Snack. 18th July 2014 (54)

                                Chili. 19th July 2014 (55)

                                Spud. 20th July 2014 (56)

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